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  • Linen is a cellulosic fibres derived from the stem of the flax plant or linum usitatissimum which is one of the oldest cultivated plant In human history.
  • Fragments of straw. seeds, fibres, yarns, and various types of fabrics dating to about 8000 BC have been found in Swiss lake dwellings.
  • Flax is an annual plant, which means it only lives for one growing season.
  • From seed-planting, it is ready to be harvested in about a hundred days. Unless the weather is particularly warm and dry.flax requires little watering or attention during this time.
  • It grows to about three or four feet tall, with glossy bluish-green leaves and pale blue flowers--though on rare occasions,the flowers bloom red.
  • Flax is grown in many parts of the world, but top quality flax is primarily grown in Westerm European countries and Ukraine.
  • In very recent years bulk linen production has moved to Eastern Europe and China.
  • Linen market in India is spread over southern most part. Kochi is the centre of the production of Linen.
  • Composition of linen is as follows:

Cellulose  : 92%

Hemi Cellulose  : 2%

Lignin  :4%

Others  :2%

  • Cellulose is the principle element of Linen.
  • Structure of Hemi Cellulose.