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The vast variety of fabrics available today, makes their identification important. You know that variety is created by using different fibres in combination. Knowledge of the fibre content of a fabric is therefore necessary to know its suitability, use and care. Sometimes you may have been cheated by an imitation fibre, like a fabric looking like silk but turning out to be artificial silk or imitation silk. Labels and salespersons are not always able to guide you.

Burning test is a simple and reliable test and can be done along with the visual inspection of the fabric. It can help you to choose the fabric according to your requirements. The burning test does not identify the fibre in particular but indicates its group. Cotton, flax and rayon will have similar results when burnt as they are all basically cellulosic in nature.

Burning Test of Fibres

-----GTD Fabric Manufacture (Factory) Since 2010, Producer of Cotton Fabric , Linen Fabric , Polyester Fabric , Ramie Fabric , Nylon Fabric, Spandex Fabric etc.